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Epiphone MasterBilt

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Epiphone MasterBilt Faux Mother of Pearl *UltraThin* Decal

Epiphone MasterBilt Faux Mother of Pearl *UltraThin* Decal


*Faux Mother of Pearl
*Only 20 Microns
*Most Realistic Ever

Epiphone MasterBilt Self Adhesive

Epiphone MasterBilt Self Adhesive


*Available in: *Gold Leaf Effect *Silver Leaf Effect *Mother of Pearl Effect *Vintage Gold Effect *Vintage Silver E…

Epiphone MasterBuilt Waterslide Decal

Epiphone MasterBuilt Waterslide Decal


*Available in: *Gold *Silver *Black *Mother of Pearl *Blue Abalone *Rose Gold *Metallic Blue *Metallic Purple *…

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